Top things to do in Bátonyterenye (Hungary)

Bátonyterenye: A Hidden Gem in Hungary

Bátonyterenye is a small city located in the Nógrád county of Hungary. Despite its small size, the city is rich in natural wonders and cultural attractions. From hermit caves to castle ruins, Bátonyterenye is the perfect destination for those seeking a unique and off-the-beaten-path experience.

Nature Attractions

Szent György forrás

Located on Mátrai út 17, Szent György forrás (Saint George's Spring) is a natural spring that has been a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts. The spring is surrounded by lush vegetation and offers a peaceful and serene setting for visitors.


Sárkányszikla (Dragon's Rock) is a natural rock formation that can be found on the Nemti-Morgó-Gödör hiking trail. The trail offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape, and the rock formation is a must-see for any nature lover. URL

Hermit Caves

The Szentkúti-remetebarlangok (Hermit Caves) are a series of caves that were used by hermits for meditation and prayer. Located on 21142, the caves offer a unique glimpse into the spiritual history of the region. URL

Maconkai Reservoir

The Maconkai Reservoir is a man-made lake that offers a variety of water activities, including swimming, fishing, and boating. Located on 2409, the reservoir is surrounded by scenic hills and forests, making it a popular destination for nature lovers.


Newton-szikla (Newton's Rock) is a unique rock formation that resembles Sir Isaac Newton's head. The formation is located in the outskirts of Bátonyterenye and is accessible by foot.


Halda-tó (Halda Lake) is a small lake that offers a peaceful and picturesque setting for visitors. The lake is surrounded by forests and is home to a variety of fish and wildlife.


Farkaslyuk-barlang (Wolf Hole Cave) is a natural cave that can be found on XQ6M+X5. The cave offers a unique opportunity for adventurous visitors to explore the underground world of Bátonyterenye.


Boszorkány-kő (Witch Stone) is a large boulder that is said to have magical powers. According to local legend, the stone was used by witches for their rituals. The stone can be found in the Mátra Mountains.

Oszta Dániel Kilátó

Oszta Dániel Kilátó (Oszta Dániel Lookout Tower) offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Located on WW92+CF, the tower is a popular destination for hikers and photographers.

Szamár szikla

Located in Mátraszentimre on an unnamed road, Szamár szikla (Donkey Rock) is a unique rock formation that resembles a donkey.


Vár-hegyi-kőfejtő (Castle Hill Quarry) is a historic quarry that dates back to the middle ages. The quarry was used to extract stones for the construction of nearby castles and churches. Today, visitors can explore the quarry and learn about its history. URL

Nyikom-bérci Gortva-Jójárt kilátó

The Nyikom-bérci Gortva-Jójárt kilátó (Nyikom-bérci Gortva-Jójárt Lookout Tower) offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Located on the Gortva Estate, the tower is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts. URL

Török lábnyom

Török lábnyom (Turkish Footprint) is a large rock formation that is said to resemble the footprint of a Turkish warrior. The formation can be found in Mátraszentimre on an unnamed road.


Harangláb (Bell Foot) is a historic bell tower that dates back to the 18th century. Located in Fő tér 9, the tower offers a glimpse into the religious history of the region.

Nagykeresztúr tó

Nagykeresztúr tó (Nagykeresztúr Lake) is a small lake that offers a peaceful and serene setting for visitors. The lake is surrounded by forests and is home to a variety of fish and wildlife.


Fehérkő-bánya (White Stone Mine) is a historic mine that was used to extract stones for the construction of nearby buildings. Today, visitors can explore the mine and learn about its history. URL

Artézi forrás kút

Artézi forrás kút (Artisan Well) is a natural spring that is said to have healing powers. The spring can be found on Vorosilov út 1.


Szakadás-árok (Gorge of the Break) is a scenic gorge that offers hiking trails and stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Csörgő Szurdok

Csörgő Szurdok (Rushing Stream Gorge) is a scenic gorge that offers hiking trails and stunning views of the rushing stream.

Cultural Attractions


Betyár-barlang (Outlaw's Cave) is a historic cave that was used by outlaws as a hideout. The cave can be found in Mátraverebély. URL

Trianon Emlékmű

Trianon Emlékmű (Trianon Memorial) is a historic monument that commemorates the Treaty of Trianon, which divided Hungary into several smaller countries. The monument can be found in the city center.


Galya-kilátó (Galya Lookout Tower) offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Located on a hilltop, the tower is a popular destination for hikers and photographers. URL

Elhagyatva sí pálya

Elhagyatva sí pálya (Abandoned Ski Slope) is a historic ski slope that is no longer in use. The slope can be found on WV79+2W.

Baglyaskő Castle Nature Reserve Visitor Center

Baglyaskő Castle Nature Reserve Visitor Center is a historic castle that has been converted into a visitor center. The center offers information about the natural and cultural history of the region. Located on Karancs út 78, the center is a must-visit for visitors interested in learning about the region's history. URL

Dornyay Béla Múzeum

Dornyay Béla Múzeum (Dornyay Béla Museum) is a local museum that showcases the works of Dornyay Béla, a Hungarian painter. The museum can be found in the city center on Múzeum tér 2.


Gortva-forrás (Gortva Spring) is a natural spring that can be found on the Gortva Estate. The spring is said to have healing powers.


Alsó-vízesés (Lower Waterfall) is a scenic waterfall that can be found on a hiking trail in the Mátra Mountains.


Tajti-kút (Tajti Well) is a historic well that dates back to the 18th century. The well can be found in the city center.


Káva-nyereg (Káva Saddle) is a scenic trail that offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.


Vidróczki-barlang (Vidróczki Cave) is a natural cave that can be found in the Mátra Mountains. The cave offers a unique opportunity for visitors to explore the underground world of Bátonyterenye.


Located on an unnamed road, Szépkilátás (Beautiful View) offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Apci tengerszem

Apci tengerszem (Apci Lake) is a historic lake that was formed by volcanic activity. The lake is surrounded by scenic hills and forests, making